Valentina Gamin: HSEQ Coordinator

What does your role entail?

I am responsible for a variety of tasks, but what I am focused more on is ensuring employees have their qualifications and medical tests in date and book training where necessary, ensure documents are up to date etc. Also, I enjoy a lot putting my PPE on and explore our sites and understand how different jobs are being done.

What attracted you to the Waste Treatment industry?

I first started to work within the Waste Industry in 2016 as a sampler and I was astonished of all the things that I learnt and how big is the role that waste plays in our lives

Is waste a passion of yours and if so, why?

Having a child, I can only imagine the impact that waste will have on the environment and how this will affect the next generations in the future if it’s not managed properly now. It is good to see companies trying their best to tackle the impact of waste

What do you like most about your role and the business?

I really like the diversity and the interaction with all the people and learning something from everyone I meet. At Thalia I am supported to develop as a person and the business offers all of the necessary resources. 

How would you describe the culture at Thalia?

There is a big variety when speaking about Thalia but what I noticed generally is that you can easily communicate with the rest of the people as everyone is happy to help whenever you need to